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tv   Countdown to the Closing Bell  FOX Business  August 20, 2013 3:00pm-4:01pm EDT

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♪ liz: a tale of two earnings reports. we will have an in-depth retail report. we will tell you where you should be shopping for your next stop. it is being heralded as a marriage saver. can you guess what it is? the ceo is here to tell us what all of the excitement is about. netflix is adding -- we will break down what it means.
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"countdown to the closing bell" starts right now. ♪ liz: good afternoon, everybody. i am liz claman. it is the last hour of trading. some big-name brick and mortar retailers leading the major industries higher. let's get to best buy. it is doing absolutely incredible. up more than 11% right now. we have much more on best buy enabled. we also have home depot. raising its full-year outlook. the fact is, their success is affect and the market today.
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not the biggest rally in the world, but it is quite a difference from yesterday pinned netflix has another deal. this starts in 2016. they are known for being very picky. very high in film. right now, cbs and showtime has a deal. dreamworks has a deal as well. it will expire. netflix shares looking good. of nearly 5%. it has been a great day. it opened lower and started going higher. here we have the one your picture. a great year for netflix. a gain of more than 200%. let's get to this retail stores. a tale of two turnarounds. best buy versus jcpenney.
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it is a little dramatic to call jcpenney a turnaround. they are in the process. >> let's show you the stock today. look at that game. taking out a new animal hide. this is a pretty stock chart. this is a turnaround gone right. we see that eps beads by $0.20 a share. a 10.5% jump in online sales this quarter. year to date, this stock is up 185%. this is your winner today, and, certainly, this year. we will show you jcpenney today. it has been all over the place. right now, up more than 5%.
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it cannot get much worse for jcpenney. back to school looking a little bit better. that is giving some investors a positive look. same-store sales were down nearly 12% year over year. traffic down. this year, the stock is down more than 30%. you can easily contrast best buy and jcpenney. liz: the annual highs jcpenney was $32. get excited for one minute. i am sorry, this is a company that is definitely struggling. she said that they are paying their bills. how about that. [laughter] liz: they are paying their distributors. that is certainly good news. let's get to the floor show. i am looking at a market where we are snapping a losing streak.
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is the story today good earnings numbers or, okay, guess what, asia was a disaster overnight, but we managed to see gains ansi resilience. >> we will get lows reporting tomorrow. we expect that to be good. the ten year treasury has come in at six basis points as of right now. there are some bets being placed on what the fed will do in september. that is what we are seeing right here. i am not convinced that we will go ahead and break out newer highs here. we will have to see what happens in the next couple days, of course. we have had four straight days of lower highs and lower lows. until we break that trend with some substantial movement, i
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still think we can move lower on the s&p. liz: well, exactly. it may be an old story about the treasury yields, but you are right. the sharp selloff in asia was over concerns about what our federal reserve has not even done yet. look, it does matter when the indian rupees hits a fresh low. and all time low. it is a little disconcerting. >> it is disconcerting. it is also disconcerting when new york starts talking about chicago. [laughter] >> it went all the way to 2.81. that is a huge move the s&p sort of shrugged it off.
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i really think that, you know, that that we had a bump up in gold and we sell strength in the dollar, especially against the yen, that tells me that gold has seen its bottom. it may be an opportunity right now. equities can have higher. liz: take the complement about caring about chicago. good to have seen you. thank you very much. the securities and exchange commission is at it again. they admitted wrongdoing as part of a civil settlement. folks, that never happened.
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they always say they admitted to no wrongdoing, but paid out money. they will pay about 18 billion in damages. will his admission set a precedent for future cases and what is the significance of that? we are bringing in russell brian. boy, they have wanted for quite some time to get people to admit wrongdoing and said of simply paying a fine. >> in the past few weeks, they have been making a lot of noise about changing eight decades long policy. this is the first concrete case where we have seen that put into process. you will see more settlements,
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demand and admission of wrongdoing as opposed to its practice. liz: you have a lot of people watching who say it is ridiculous that these people get away with a clear conscious and a few dollars spent. i borrowed from my find, this is what he did, he borrowed one from his fund to pay a personal tax bill when he was not allowing investors to redeem their money during a very difficult time being not well, this is the type of thing where the sdc has been doing this policy no admit note denied. the department of justice has allowed this.
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they have not been out of the mainstream on this at all. liz: phil falcone is an interesting guy. he went to harvard. he did not come from a lot of money. you deal with client to say i do not know how i got to this point. the guys started living, apparently, beyond his means so he had to borrow money from a fund. what do you advise people when they even think about doing that? >> you have to talk to mr. falcone about his case in particular. generally speaking, we advise people that is not a good course to go down. liz: he had to admit wrongdoing. that is unusual in these cases. russell, think you.
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closing bell ringing in 49 minutes. picture this, you aae stuck in a hotel room dying to watch those shows that you recorded back home. what do you do? we have the answer now in a form of a transformational tv gadget out today. we will show it to you. we will pick it apart and talk about it. do you dvr comedy shows? the salaries are no laughing matter. we will bring you the staggering numbers in just a moment. ♪ this man is about to be the millionth customer.
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would you mind if i go ahead of you? instead we had someone go ahead of him and win fiy thousand dollars. congratulations you are our one millionth customer. nobody likes to miss out. that's why ally treats all their customers the same. whether you're the first or the millionth. if your bank doesn't think you're special anymore, you need an ally. ally bank. your money needs an ally. join us at
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>> the power mover of the hour is urban outfitters. they are also the parent company of one of my favorites. the company drew shoppers despite fewer discounts. urban outfitters beat the
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average analyst estimate of 8.1%. the stock is up 39% over the last year. it is right up my alley. you did not know that about me. we have to get to this new gadget for your tv. it hits the market every nine seconds. it is getting the most glowing reviews seen in years. thanks to this new gadget, the division between live and streaming content is crashing. it has wi-fi. what if we told you the device they are all raving about is something called the r from tivo. >> we are pretty excited. liz: how is it different from
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the tivo of the past? >> we call it r. we did not just call it that because people love tv. where ever you roam, where ever you go. liz: outside the house. >> outside the house, you are able to connect right to your recordings in your home and get them on your ipod, get them on your smart phone. liz: anything where you are stuck or somewhere you do not have access to your own dvr. is that correct? >> you are recording it on your romeo that is at home and you are accessing it on what ever screen you have with you. liz: let's talk about them and the price points. >> this is the basic one.
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it is $199. this has broadcast tuners. it is for some people who do not have cable, but may want to get the signals. this can do for channels. then you have the ability to still get netflix, amazon, hulu, youtube, all of the over-the-top, so-called, content. here is the romeo pro. it has six tuners. you can load up for the week. have 450 hours of loading capacity. liz: then i am hopping on a plane in the morning and i am somewhere else. i can still dig up my shows on that device.
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>> yes. liz: okay a couple questions. you need a cable card; correct? >> that is how you get your cable channel. you save money when you get tivo on your cable bill. the reason for that is you are getting charged for your cable box and your dvr service. when you supply your own box, you are no longer having to pay that charge on your cable bill and you can get lifetime service. that brings the cost down per month. liz: right now i can only roll with an ipod or an iphone. when will you start having the androids available? >> that will be available shortly. right now, you can stream around
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the house, put it on an ipad and take it with you wherever you go. liz: the tivo rowboat is the one you will be using. >> this is the award-winning tivo promote. liz: who, when used there and think this will scare the pants off, is it any one of these? who should be worried about the romeo? do not be diplomatic. >> google tv, apple tv, sling, your cable box and your dvr all put together is essentially what romeo is. if you are anyone of those, you are part of the solution.
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we think consumers are after everything. it also gives you all of your netflix, hulu and over-the-top content at the same time. liz: google is $35. the cost is prohibitive to some people. >> it is a way to get something from your tablet or phone to the tv. this has that capability. romeo enables you to do that. that is one small feature. this is an entire way to watch television. you are from los angeles and the award oscar territory, 70 million people have cable boxes in this country today.
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when you walk up to them, you cannot find out what won the 2005 best picture award. that is ridiculous. no one would settle for that. romeo get to all the answers. if personalizes it right down to what you want every time you turn on your tv. liz: can we expect tim tebow to be endorsing this? you have to bring him in to promote this somehow. >> well, i understand that he tweeted this morning for his locker room saying, i think i have this right, i am really jacked about my new tivo romeo. that tells you something about where he stands. liz: i am telling you, you picked a good one.
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>> for the time being, consumers are losing. the status quo will be returned. liz: are you surprised it has gone on this long? >> not really. i think it is professional football that forces that resolution. that is a hard thing for any operator to leave off. of course, with the romeo, you do have tuners. you can put it right into the rest of your cable program. liz: who ever came up with the name romeo, give that person a promotion. >> our engineers did a fantastic job. liz: they say the tivo engineers are among the smartest in the business. thank you very much. closing bell ringing and 37
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minutes. shares hit another 52 week high for netflix. it scores a multi- year deal with one of the top production companies in hollywood. today it is a winner. how about going forward? abe of america intern died after pulling several all nighters. how many hours some of the junior players are asked to work. charlie gasparino on this story. we will be right back. ♪ mantra? always go the extra mile. to treat my low testosterone, i did my research. my doctor and i went with axiron, the only underarm low t treatment. axiron can restore t levels to normal in about 2 weeks in most men.
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axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as uneected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and meditions. serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer; worsening prostate symptom decreased sperm count; ankle, feet or body swelling; enlarg or painful breasts; problems breathing while sleeping; and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about e only underarm low t treatment, axiron.
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peace of mind is important when so we provide it services you bucan rely on. with centurylink as your trusted it partner, you'll experience reliable uptime for the network and services you depend on. multi-layered security solutions keep your information safe, and secure. and responsive dedicated support meets your needs, and eases your mind. centurylink. your link to what's next. every day we're working to and to keep our commitments. and we've made a big commitment to america. bp supports nearly 250,000 jobs here. through all of our energy operation we invest more in the u.s. than any other place in the world.
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in fact, we've invested over $55 billion here in the last five years - making bp america's largest energy investor. our commitment has never been stronger. ♪ liz: brutal hours. very common on wall street. will these large financial firms now make changes to their policies? following the death of the bank of america in turn in london. fox business senior correspondent has the very latest. it's disturbing. >> reporter: it's very disturbing. uni came from the bottom. we worked our way up to this business. we worked long hours. did you ever work 70 plus hours? liz: maybe once when cbs said the super bowl and had me working, but not three days straight.
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>> reporter: this kid, this london and turn at bank of america work 70 hours straight. he might have had other health issues, but we have been talking to some of the intern's the work on wall street. a lot of interns working on mostar because her in the summertime. they are saying that it happens all the time. this is very common. very taxing. and all tell you, this may be the wake-up call to stop this. now these are adults, which they are. over 18 generally. they should be able to control their own lives or say no. but if they say no they might be fired on them may not get the job. at think there's a certain level based on what we're talking about, certain level of my choice and that extends to women. you do this because you show your loyalty to the firm. you know, it's kind of scary. most people have loyalty to the country. we should point out that kids are fighting.
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they stay days at a time. liz: they are highly trained. >> reporter: they are trained. you know, there are fighting for their country, too. they're doing something heroic and brave. you know, this is not that. this is working for goldman, bank of america. you are not fighting for your country. you're trying to get job. what wased on some of the reporting we have done it, we know that goldman is not publicly commenting. people inside said it will pay more attention to this sort of stuff, how many hours there intern's work. bank of america of the is not saying a lot. this is a bank that was bailout by the federal government several times. they should at least have a public statement about their policies to the taxpayers. other banks are not commenting either. liz: nothing else but we are looking into it. existing conditions.
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>> reporter: that is what is needed. listen, like i said, half of me says he is an adult's, the gentleman that died. think he was 21, over 18. he should make up his own mind. the other half is, you know, if you had an intern -- now, i have young people working for me. i can be a pain in the rear end boss. liz: i'm shocked. >> reporter: but they're not working 24 hours a day. they're now working -- 12 hours is enough i think. just as your cell phone on all the time. but i'm just saying that you have kids working for you. would you ever let somebody work 70 hours straight? liz: but this is reminiscent of the intern and residency programs in medical schools. and my dad was a resident. today's off, one day off. >> reporter: so was my brother. yes. liz: soda of a rite of passage. >> reporter: i don't want some of -- america to be a country of wimps. we're going to much in that direction anyway.
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if you are wall street firm, work and get someone 70 hours a week teeseven we should point out that this is the same with residents of medical schools. as a point of diminishing returns when you are too tired. i would not want some intern working on me if i was sick. liz: now a blanket statement from bank of america. here it is. >> reporter: to you think would call them out? liz: deeply shocked and saddened by the nees of morris air hart's death. he was popular among his peers and a highly intelligent internet our company with a promising future. liz: -- >> reporter: said. but that is added to the point. we are looking into it, revaluing policies. make sure we are working people to death. listen, their wake-up calls occur all the time. you know, football coaches to my school football coaches working kids to harden the summer. liz: oh, yeah. it's a wake-up call. >> reporter: this is one for wall street. liz: let us know if you get anything more.
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twenty-seven minutes before the closing bell, netflix keep cracking up original content following its success with the rest of development and house of cards, but it is also striking all kinds of exclusive deals. you is that streaming video service shaking hands with now? a little hint, shakespeare is in love. have you ever just wondered how much some of your favorites are in to make you laugh? the answer is that to giggle at. that's coming up next. ♪
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if you have high cholesterol, here's some information that may be worth looking into. in a clinical trial versus lipitor, crestor got more high-risk patients' bad cholesterol to a goal of under 100. getting to goal is important, especially if you have high cholesterol plus any of these risk factors because you could be at increased risk for plaque buildup in your arteries over time. and that's why when diet and exercise alone aren't enough to lower cholesterol i prescribe crestor. [ female announr ] crestor is not right for everyone. like people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. tell your doctor about other medicines you're taking. call your doctor right away
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folks have suffered from frequent heartburn. butetting heartburn and then treating day after day is a thing of the past. block the acid with prilosec otc, and don't get heartburn in the first place. [ male announcer ] one pill each morning 24 hours. zero heartburn. ♪ liz: shares of test let's just
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keep moving higher. today news on the flagship model as electric targeting and not of confidence. u.s. safety regulators. let's go to laurin at the new york stock exchange with the details. nothing brings the stock down. >> reporter: it is of 391% this year, up to enchains today, liz. we are talking the model s. cestuses the national traffic highway safety a message has given that car and overall crash trading of five stars which is very rare. 1 percent of all cars get that. we have reached out to the national highway traffic safety administration. they have now from the set, but does also says that the mollet's is also the safest car ever. scoring a record five and half in that category. it's so safe that they broke the machine that is used to test the strength of the roof. you can just packed for on top of each other. the rich still would not break. good news for tesla and tesla
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investors. liz: and we did the discussion yesterday about whether the brand new bmw line three that is coming out with his electric and smaller and a totally different car might be a wonder, not killer, but nothing yet. nothing yet. thank you very much. well, talk about great paydays. the numbers are in for the highest paid tv sitcom stars. topping the list star of two and half man. he earned $750,000 per episode. this according to a tv guide annual survey of star salaries. in second place, and jason siegel from hell i met your mother. he gets less than one-third of the pay, but still 225,000 per episode. number three, amy polar from parks and recreation her as 200 grand opera episode. and in fourth place according to tv guide, robin williams to breaks and 165,000 per episode
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of the crazy ones. have not even seen that. you haven't seen that? been the hasn't. he is my touchstone for all things pop culture. as high as these earnings are, of these sitcom stars pull in much less than the biggest dvr of all. can you guess who it is? judge judy. she gets $47 million per year from her top-rated daytime syndicated show. netflix, let's get to them. they added more firepower to the content lineup by signing an exclusive multiyear agreement with the big-name studio. what kind of boost is this going to give netflix against premium channels and other internet video services? dennis kneale this year with the details. >> reporter: it's certainly giving a boost of already flying high netflix stock. up almost 5% on news of this deal that it signed with lowenstein brothers analyst in company. netflix is already up 300% in
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the past year. now getting tantalizingly close to that $300 level that it held two summers ago before it toppled and started shooting itself in the foot. this deal with one steam calls for netflix starting in 2016 to get exclusive pay-tv access. that means cable channels and on demand can just hurry up and wait. instead it plays out over netflix. they had already done foreign film and documentary deals. this pay-tv window is going to probably anchor the cable system operators that netflix also would like to do some deals with and maybe someday have its own cable channel. it has been trying to do more and more exclusive deals. it recently get rid of the viacom deal. he was showing up everywhere. signs disney to an exclusive deal. it could have an exclusive window to that. you know, also spending 100 million on a show like a house of cards which got nominated for emmys. has this orange is the new
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black. but one thing worrying some analysts, very few daughters left, the company is ponying up so much money for this exclusive content that it has five 1/6 billion dollars and promised payouts to hollywood studios. some of that is not on its balance sheet or being deducted against earnings. this deal is the biggest they have ever done. for netflix it is kind of a piker. lots of big deals for the a surplus of kind of content. so far it is paying up. it is kind of this big run as fast as you can pay and money to hollywood, a news subscribers can get the money come paid out to hollywood. use that publicity decide at more subscribers. or does it stop? liz: that is fascinating, and this just is better and better. in the olden days riders had nowhere to go. now the opportunities a huge, are they? >> reporter: they sure are, especially if you have a nest of a pipeline. you have done business with them
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before. liz: exactly. great to see you. our superstar rock star media reporter. closing bell ringing in 18 minutes. the markets have seen a very nice double digit percentage run-up. one money manager says watch out for a double digit dip coming in the next few weeks. don't panic. there is still money to be made even in a downturn if you know where to look. three ways to beat the dip. that's next. you can't miss it. ♪ [ male announcer ] these days, a small business can save by sharing. like carpools... polly wants to know if we can pick her up. yeah, we can make room. yeah. [ male announcer ] space. yes, we're loving this communal seating. it's great. [ male announcer ] the best thing to share? a data plan. at&t mobile share for business. one bucket of data for everyone on the plan, unlimited talk and text on smart phones. now, everyone's in the spirit of sharing. hey, can i borrow your boat this weekend?
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♪ liz: breaking news coming out of the ratings agencies. moody's is revising its outlook for you estates to stable after
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more than five yeaas at negatived. citing diminished uncertainty over federal budget cuts and strong revenues, reserves for many states. right now after five years of much more negative outlook, they're cutting it to a -- or raising it to stable. the markets are not really reacting. we were higher, certainly. we were lower, down about 18 points for the dow jones industrial. looks like we're losing. following a blowout start to the year, the markets seem to have taken a bit of a pause. the dow is down 3% over themont. the s&p down 2% while the nasdaq has posted a slight gain of just 1%. our next guest says this is just the beginning of what could be a double-digit decline in coming weeks. even in a downturn there are ways to make money, ceo and co portfolio manager of wb guy with more than 2 billion in assets under management. what makes this significant is
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that back in june were much more positive. >> we have gotten more visibility on the second quarter gdp. we jobs. everybody seems to be convinced that we will still get to an average 3% somehow. this use revision to the upside. i don't know where that comes from. it's also it's coming at us than air. liz: he said the correction will be about 15%. >> the evaluation has started to get stretched. liz: low historically. >> at 21 times earnings on the s&p 500. we start to get into a little bit more rich waters. with gdp soft, we think it is unlikely that stocks stay in this up trend too much longer. liz: i have heard that for your. why is now different?
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>> we are in august, in the beginning of september which historically have been some of the most dangerous times for investors. we usually get a really big pullbacks. people are off -- often there are not many people left home. people not working at their desk. last week we saw a preview of that. liz: a want to say that there is excessive optimism. we have not seen massive inflows and equity funds. >> a lot of negative news. we have the fed change coming. we have the public and the politicians screaming for the end of qe2 three. i don't know what replaces that. i think the fed is caught in a box because we have really weakening fundamental economic conditions in general. i don't know how they just of a sudden stop the stimulus. liz: but there will taper. have not heard the word?
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so let's say you're right. corrections are coming. the ways the you're organizing your fund, portfolio. we can show the performance as well as. what are the criteria the are now using to pick stocks. >> right now if you're going to it's now or we will have declining prices you want to focus on something that gives you a safe, consistent return. that is dividend. the higher the yield the better you are and the more likely you are to hold through any downturn which is what you would have to do if you're going to add equity. people don't want to miss the up trend. a little bit of time to position. we are recommending caution. the other thing is you have to find what value remains in the market. there are stocks out there, small and mid cap that do look good if you are patient and kind liz: let's get to what euros have found when you're on your hunting mission. >> oil and gas exploration.
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foreign and a half% dividend. liz: top 21% on the year. >> like to buy stocks when they're cheap. they double earnings expectations. really generous relative to the ten year treasury. so we like when a stock has a positive trends confirm me why you should buy. and we look for those turns to be in the dividend payout increases, earnings torre avenue. wilson of emerson electric which is another company that we think is reasonably valued here. seventeen times earnings. industry sector is significantly higher than that. about 28 times earnings. and then the last stock we have a semantic. i don't know about you guys, but we have semantics' offer to prevent ourselves from getting viruses. the virus business is booming. liz: dr. norton anti virus. we know it very well. competition from gander of starts.
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my which depicts semantics? >> 14p with the very high 24 multiple for its industry peers. the stock is doing really well, and so is their performance on the corporate side from earnings and revenue. liz: how much in cash to you have? >> 20% in cash right now. >> and you're comfortable with that. >> cash for us is a defensive weapon. we see prices start to fall weakest of the positions. we raise cash and if there is not good value we end up holding a for a little while. that usually pays. typically that is a good thing to do. liz: sees that the crazy whippersnapper. 2 billion in assets under management and using a well. good to see you. closing bell ringing in seven minutes. we will be right back to take us all the way through the closing bell. stock away. ♪ friday night, buddy.
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♪ liz: one area of the markets that is really shining is solar. take a look at the sector moving higher. raising its forecast for panel shipments this year. sells more in japan. not bad. the big issue with solar has been that much of it has been very much to monetized and therefore the prices have come down. finally, solar is up and moving. of course buffett jumped into a stake in first solar which is been interesting. a lot of green on the screen. we are holding on barely to the gains that we saw earlier, now about seven points. let's see how this closing bell as we bump up against its starts to look. we have ashley in for david. >> when you look at what happened, they were all in the red.
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all things considered i know that trading volumes were light and so on, we are just hanging in there. liz: let's see. lauren is at the new york stock exchange. we talked earlier about retailers' leading stocks tyler, with their fizzling not. >> reporter: is. we were 15,075. you can see that we are much lower right now. we did see some retail stocks including best buy and tjx said annualized. also urban outfitters. they're doing so well because they're actually able to sell items without discounting them. that's a good thing for retailer in terms of margins. ashley: that brings this up. on the flip side barnes and noble plunging on poor earnings. >> reporter: poor earnings once again. the chairman and founder abandoning his plan to buy 680 barnes and noble retail stores. liz: almost all the lead is lost for the dow and certainly the snb at the moment.
3:59 pm
still, the points higher. j.c. penney shares climbing despite a loss in sales. they have lost under the scheme that they got earlier. >> reporter: stock was trading all over the map. down for a little bit. of as much as six nap%. scenes like investors are trying to be optimistic going forward. the fact eventually the bleeding wolves stops. back-to-school looking stronger. j.c. penney said they had won at billion liquidity. certainly a leader today after getting hit a really high. ashley: we haven't said that very often. we talked about this yesterday. taking a hit for the second day wrote. >> reporter: and for the week. i know it's only tuesday. down in the double-digit. they will offer 5 million shares . $82. that's a 3% discount to monday's closing price. so there you have it.
4:00 pm
today's. liz: and the downturns-. the last minute of the day. we lose all the gains. dow jones industrials scrambling . just six points, it appears, about 15,000. s&p holding on to six points of gains. the nasdaq of 24. time for the first page headlines. a federal judge approved a $730 million settlement between city and bondholders over the mortgage mess. resolving claims that the bank conceal its exposure to billions of dollars of toxic mortgage assets. ashley: efforts to repay the government bailout. selling about a billion dollars in common stocks for investors and will buy back nearly 6 million in preferred shares that the government house and the company. liz: the rapidly growing airline , a legion air expanding on the east coast. challenging its much bigger rivals and adding new services


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